Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

30 May, 2023


I've seen a tray of cookies at almost every party I've been to over the years. Interestingly enough, though, the last cookie that everyone seems to go for is oatmeal raisin. The first to go is usually chocolate chip, then maybe sugar cookies, and everything else except the oatmeal raisin ones. Well, I'm here to tell you why that is. These partygoers haven't tried our no added sugar oatmeal raisin cookies. As soon as these come out of the oven at home, my family eats them all before I get a chance to have any myself (Not that I mind, I'm flattered)! So, if you ever bring these cookies to a party, I can almost guarantee that these cookies will be the first to go before the rest. They're just that good.